Pinay Mom's Blogs
Motherhood between windmills and tulips

Mom & Parenting


Handling sibling aggression in my preteens: when banter becomes bitter
We've all been there. The relentless bickering between siblings can sometimes seem like background noise in the family home. A tug-of-war over the TV remote, accusations of a "borrowed" shirt, or a simple " go away!" or in my kids' case, "ga weg!" (READ MORE).

How to prepare for a Christmas market visit
Here are some tips on how to prepare for your visit to a Christmas market with the family. And this is based on our experience so far going to the different Christmas markets in Germany and neighbouring countries... (READ MORE).

What’s the guide for giving a weekly allowance? A lot of websites will tell you around 1 dollar (or euro, I guess) for each year of your child’s age. Others start at 50 cents. Here in the Netherlands... (READ MORE).

To those of you who follow my YouTube channel, you know that we have two boys in grade school. Our oldest is turning 10 and our youngest just turned 7.  Having two kids of the same gender and very close in age with each other, my husband and I are fully aware of the possibility of sibling rivalry as we .. (READ MORE).

It’s a never-ending story. Lockdown. Partial lockdown. No lockdown. Then lockdown again. It’s been ages since we can really and FREELY go out to shop, hang out with our friends, spend a nice weekend out with the family or celebrate... (READ MORE).

I have a confession to make. I spend a lot of time on my phone and computer screen myself. Actually, I spend more hours on my phone than the average adult. What is too much screen time for people our age? And what's the average? In the US, statistics show that an average adult uses about... (READ MORE).

We have an 9 year old and a 6 year old Filipino-Dutch kids at home. And they're both mommy's boys. But the truth of the matter is, it can be challenging for me to raise our boys in a society so different from what I was so used to back home. And though there's a number of reasons why... (READ MORE).

Parenting is the art and science of raising, training, rearing and imparting values ​​to a child. On top of that, you need to shower a child with lots of love, compassion, tons of patience and broad understanding. The way you speak matters, your tone of voice is also a big thing. If you are often... (READ MORE).

When we get the chance we always want to bring our kids to places that stimulate their mind and at the same time let off some energy. And at the heart of the city of Amsterdam is a landmark right smack in the middle of the Ij river that will do just that!... (READ MORE).

I come from a family who loves to play Scrabble. We also used to play a lot of Monopoly back in the 80s with those white metal playing tokens (my favorite was the iron). Have you ever heard of Boggle too? We used to play that a lot as well! My parents believe that the best way to keep all 6 children... (READ MORE).


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